Title: EmpowHERment LAB
Programme: Erasmus+ KA220-ADU
Ref. code: 2021-1-HR01-KA220-ADU-000029700
Project value: € 168.627,00
Project duration: 1.2.2022. – 31.3.2024.
About: The project “EmpowHERment LAB” aims to help empower women through gaining digital skills and competences. The project aims to do so by addressing the lack of women in the ICT sector and providing training opportunities for women to gain skills in areas like web development, cybersecurity, digital marketing, and social entrepreneurship. A key focus is on women at risk of social exclusion due to economic, geographic, cultural or other difficulties. The objectives are to motivate and spark new interests in disadvantaged women through ICT, provide new tools and methodologies for adult educators to update their teaching, foster active participation of women in building digital skills, promote proper use of technologies for new learning methods, break down cultural barriers for women in ICT, and provide adult training centers with a gender perspective. The main activities of the project are the creation of a Bootcamp with modules on digital marketing tools and techniques, development of a skills manual for women entrepreneurs and trainers in ICT, establishment of 6 Hubs across Europe for face-to-face learning, and organization of dissemination events in each country at the end of the project. The expected results include empowerment and new skills for women participants, updated skills for adult educators, stronger networks between organizations, and widely available training materials and methodologies.