
Bringing the European Dimension Closer to Remote Rural Areas


Title: Bringing the European Dimension Closer to Remote Rural Areas

Programme: Erasmus+ KA210-ADU

Ref. code: 2021-1-SI01-KA210-ADU-000035010

Project value: € 60.000,00

Project duration: 1.11.2021. – 31.10.2023.

About: The project “Bringing the European Dimension Closer to Remote Rural Areas” aims to provide high-quality learning opportunities and improve competencies of partner staff to benefit adults with fewer opportunities in remote rural areas. Activities include conducting a needs analysis to identify specific education requirements of target groups, training partner staff on designing and delivering customized education programs, and conducting workshops for target groups on digital skills, cultural heritage and coexistence, and environmental protection and health. The project also involves international meetings for target groups to exchange knowledge and practices between Slovenia and Croatia, as well as dissemination events to strengthen European cooperation and bring the European dimension to remote rural communities. Through tailored education programs and competent instructors, the project expects to directly reach over 100 learners. The ultimate goal is to equip rural adults with relevant skills and knowledge to overcome challenges, enable social inclusion and improve their quality of life.

Categories: Projects Implemented